Saturday, May 19, 2007

Haiti Update

Things are going well for me in Haiti right now. I took some time to set my room up, and make my space a little more comfortable. I have books and our project folders lined up on my desk, clothes hanging, and on the top bunk of my bed I’ve organized other clothes and stuff needed for showers etc. The water was running today, which may account for why I’m in such a good mood! I also went to the mache a (market) with two other volunteers, Kerry and Meredith. Kerry taught me how to negotiate prices in Creole, and how to pick ripe mangos, pineapples, and papayas out. I also tried this starchy, biscuit-like snack made from cassava root and ground spices which was very yummy and cost about 5 cents. It was a nice 50 min hike/walk to the market, so I got some exercise too. I tried putting all the fruit into a big yellow bowl I also bought and balancing it on my head for the walk home like the Haitians do, but I sucked at it. I settled on balancing it on my shoulder instead.
Tomorrow is Sunday, so Mike and I will be going to leglize in the Pepto-Bismal building (aka very pink church). Another long term volunteer, Meredith, is going with us. He warned us that church services last for about 2 hours or more, so he will instruct us as to where to sit so we can make a swift exist after communion. 200 people + 80 degrees= Erin leaves church ASAP.
Mike and I have been doing meetings and having conversations with APF members, and things are looking good for us now! Although people are enthusiastic in talking with us, it is slow going because we don’t speak Creole, yet. Our “official” lessons start Monday at 2. Many, many Haitian men are interested in giving me Creole lessons however, so I have been learning a bit more than Mike, lol. We have created a work schedule this week that mostly revolves around doing interviews with teachers and students at St. Antoine school via translator Maurice. The dinner bell is ringing now, bye bye to all

Monday, May 14, 2007

Bon Soir Tout Monde!

I am here, in Fondwa. Things are as I expected, and I'm still adjusting (to chickens and pigs running around and no electricity being the big differences among many). Today I went to St, Antoine school and helped the 1-3 grade kids make paper bag hand puppets, and did some data collection interviews for my project. It was great, the kids were fun, and taught me some Creole (I am blan (white) hahahaha).
Mike and I had a good meeting with local APF managers and I'm very excited about the future of the project. I also learned I will be havuing Creole lessons three times a week with our translators!
The future is bright, and I made friends with a Cuban who gives me rum...

A bien tot

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Found this blog with some good pics of Fondwa and the visitor center where we are staying! The comments are interesting, the man seems to have a lot to say without explaining how he gathered his information on the projects and what criteria he used to make his value judgements. That reinforced in my mind why standardization and transparency is very important for us in this project. Check out the link:,_haiti.htm

Sunday, May 6, 2007


Ok, so it's exactly one week until we are on the ground in Port au Prince. I'm mostly packed, but still doing some shopping. Also got to very briefly meet Sister Carmel and Father Phillip, who seemed nice enough... only time will tell otherwise.
Nothing very important to say now, so check back closer to D-Day!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Mike is In

I have successfully b-logged in...hahaha

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My first blog *sigh*

Hello Everyone, and welcome to the blogspot! This is will be a great communication resource for us in Haiti to talk to people on the outside. We can post and share our stories and pictures, and you as readers can make comments!
Cheers ~